Thursday, March 13, 2008

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and TILTMETERS

Tiltmeters are one of the few instruments the scientists use to study earthquakes and volcanoes. They can measure the slightest movement in the ground and scientists can record the crust’s changes and predict when an earthquake or a volcanic eruption is coming. They can detect slight changes in inclination usually in connection with volcanology and earthquake seismology.
Tiltmeters can be used to detect volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, but they can also monitor many other things like power plants, buildings, foundations, landslides, and mines and tunnels. They can measures the tilt not just in the ground but also in buildings and other very large structures. The old tilmeters were like giant pendulums, but the new modern ones are electric. They use a bubble-level principle, which can sense the exact position of the bubble and can tell any slight change in the level of the earth. The change in level is recorded and scientists can check them and determine if something is going to happen.
I know this instrument sounds really affective, and it is, but there are a few disadvantages. Since it is so sensitive to movement, there can be false alarms if it senses wind or a train going by. It does more good than bad though. It can help scientists predict when Mount St. Helens is going to erupt and also other volcanoes, and doing that can save lives.
Since scientists started coming out with the electric tiltmeters, there have been many different kinds for different purposes. There are portable tiltmeters that don’t stay where they are forever. There are deep-water tiltmeters can go underwater. There are also fixed tilmeters, beam sensors, and track monitors. Tiltmeters are a really cool instrument that can detect almost anything and save the lives of innocent people that would not be alive without this.


Anonymous said...

Amazing Job!!!!! I think you started of great and ended good too. you explained everything about a tiltmeter and ai actually learned something.GOOD JOB!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing Job!!!!! I think you started of great and ended good too. you explained everything about a tiltmeter and ai actually learned something.GOOD JOB!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice job sounds like you really know about this! Thanx i learned alot!(ah4)