Thursday, March 13, 2008

Earthquake Safety

Earthquake Safety

The typical Minnesotan doesn’t have to worry about an earthquake hitting Minnesota. But what if all of the sudden a huge earthquake hit Minnesota which is possible would you know what to do? Well most people don’t in Minnesota know what to do. Well I have some tips for you on what to do to prevent extra damage in your house and what to do during an earthquake.
I am sure you never think about preparing for an earthquake when you are building your house. One of the most important things is to choose a safe place in every room, under a sturdy table, or somewhere where nothing can fall on you or hit you. When building your house tell your contractor to put steel supporters in walls and build a deeper foundation. Also place heavier on the bottom of shelf’s and lighter objects on higher shelves. And also choose an out of town emergency contact. A big one is to place a first aid kit in rooms in case some one gets hurt and need immediate help. Those are just some of the things you can do to prepare for an earthquake.
Now during an earthquake what you do is just three simple words drop, cover and hold on. Drop meaning get low to the ground. Cover up under a sturdy table or next to walls. And hold on to something sturdy because it can get really rough during an earthquake. And if you are outside during an earthquake stay away from power lines and dead trees or gas pipes. And stay away from windows, glass or any loose objects that can hit someone. Stay inside until the shaking stops and its safe to go outside.
Well now everyone knows what to do during an earthquake and what to do to prepare for an earthquake. Now I hope that Minnesota will never have to experience the dangers of an earthquake but if we do Minnesota will be ready and will know what to do.


Anonymous said...

Good job! I had the same question, but I didn't include information on specific things you can do to your house. That was good. I also liked the way you made the audience Minnesotans instead of just people in general. -GG1

Anonymous said...

this is very informal and i feel like if i were to be in an earthquake i would be safe!

Anonymous said...

Good Job explaining! It was very well written.

Anonymous said...

it was a good informational report thing but the wording wasn't the best it felt like you were talking in circles. but good job overall -LK3