Friday, March 14, 2008

predicting eruptions

There are many warnings on volcanic eruptions and scientists use several things including: unusual animal and bird movement, melting of snowcaps, crate lakes start drying up, ground swells from magma pushing to the surface before an eruption.
If you live close or near a volcano or these unusual signs you and your
family should create an escape plan. Those includes and alert procedure, hospital and medical services for treatment, identification will be needed for out of area transport or driving. You also will need a means of transport, communication with family and friends, public warnings should be reviewed, a place for shelter if needed, and a type of rescue if trapped or hurt.
For your escape you will need to be aware of mudflows, landslides, acid rain, tsunamis, and earth quakes. It’s recommended to avoid rivers and low areas. Always wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when warned about a volcanic eruption. Use goggles or eyeglasses to help protect you eyes from debris. Avoid running a car or truck engines if ash fall and driving during ash fall because of ruining you vehicle.
Scientists recommend going as far away from the volcano as possible. Try as hard as you can not to breath the volcanic dust. RZ5


Anonymous said...

Hey you are an amazing writter. Love Ya CG5

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your paper. We have the same topic yet very differant papers. Good Job. -DT5

Anonymous said...

good info. it was well written and straight to the point

Anonymous said...

your a good writer. very well written.